Seitkerim B. Bimurzaev
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan
Title: A TOF mass-spectrometer with eliminated TOF chromatic aberration of the first order
Biography: Seitkerim B. Bimurzaev
As is known, high resolution in modern TOF mass spectrometers of mass reflectron type is achieved by the use of special devices – ion reflectors of various modifications – in their ion optical systems [1,2]. TOF mass spectrometers without ion reflectors, for example [3], have relatively low resolution. The main reason limiting the resolving power of TOF mass spectrometers of any design is TOF chromatic aberration of the first order caused by the initial energy spread of ions in the packets generated by the ion source. In this paper we investigate the possibility of eliminating TOF chromatic aberration of the first order with the help of ion accelerator with an inhomogeneous electrostatic field. It is shown that for a certain choice of the field distribution of such an accelerator, along with the elimination of TOF chromatic aberration of the first order, it is possible to obtain a high-quality TOF focusing ion packets in the plane of the detector simultaneously with spatial focusing. The author also considers schemes of TOF mass spectrometers of simple construction (with no ion reflector) with high resolution and sensitivity.