Oana Teodora Marisca
Babes Bolyai University, Romania
Title: An alternative diabetic retinopathy therapy: a laser triggered microsystem for controlled release of Resveratrol
Biography: Oana Teodora Marisca
A severe ocular complication that causes visual impairment and even worse, blinding, due to a damage of the retina and the optic nerves is diabetic retinopathy (DR). During recent years, there was shown a significantly increase in using natural Resveratrol (RV) (3,5,4’-trihydroxystilbene) for the prevention or as complementary therapies for eye diseases. Due to existing challenges in resveratrol delivery, our current approach is to load RV into polyelectrolyte multilayer microcapsules (PEM), whose release is controlled by a laser triggered procedure into retina pigmented epithelial cells. Mimicking the physiologic concentrations of resveratrol and hyperglycemia, which occurs in DR patients by using D407 cells, the unique in vitro experimental models for eye disease, we assess the therapeutic potential of RV-loaded PEM. The synthesis process of the complex is based on a simple Layer by layer assembly approach. During this procedure the capsules walls are decorated with collagen-coated gold nanoparticles for laser controlled release facilitation (figure on the left). The so obtained RV-loaded PEM were characterized using spectroscopic and microscopic methods. Next, the controlled release process of RV was optimized. The Raman signal from RV molecules is detected once the microcapsule is open by exposure to 532 or 633 nm laser light and the entrapped RV is released. Quantification of the RV released from microcapsule is assessed by HPLC-PDA. Based on the information obtained and on the specific formulas the RV loading content, RV entrapment efficiency and yield of production are determined for quantification of the therapeutic agent who reaches the target site.