MD Ahsan Habib
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Title: Development of new ion source/new desorption method for mass spectrometry
Biography: MD Ahsan Habib
Detection and quantification of illicit compounds at trace level is very much important for public health, security and safety. Mass spectrometry (MS) has already been demonstrated its versatility for detection and quantification of a wide range of compounds at trace level because MS can provide molecular level information of the target compounds. In MS, there are many ionization sources. So far, none of the ion source can ionize efficiently of a wide range of compounds. For example, electrospray ionization (ESI) and nano-ESI have been widely using for bio-molecules. Nano-ESI has shown better resolution than ESI but it has clogging problem. To overcome such a problem, several attempts have been taken to develop new ionization source, for example, MALDI, probe-ESI (PESI) etc. Recently we have developed new atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) using alternating current (ac) instead of dc and found as a soft ionization source for explosives detection (Habib et al., RCMS). Moreover, hollow cathode discharge (HCD) ion source has been fabricated for detection of explosives at trace level (Habib et al., RCMS). A desorption method has also been developed using an ultra-cutter to desorb highly non-volatile illicit compounds and ionized dielectric discharge (DBD) ion source, and found better limit of detection (LOD) (Habib et al., ASMS). A vacuum glow discharge ionization (vacuum-GDI) source has been fabricated for the compounds those give negative ions. A further attempt has also been taken to fabricate a hybrid ionization source for polar/non-polar, volatile/non-volatile compounds.