Gongke Li
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Title: Magnetic derived perhydroxy-cucurbit[8]uril nanoparticles for solid-phase extraction to ultrasensitive determination of cytokinins in plant samples by UPLC-MS/MS
Biography: Gongke Li
Cytokinins play a critical role in controlling plant growth and development, but it is difficult to be determined in plant samples due to the extremely low concentration level of pmol/g. So it is important of efficient sample preparation with selective enrichment and rapid separation for accurate analysis of cytokinins. Herein, a supramolecular perhydroxy-cucurbit[8]uril (PCB[8]) was fabricated into the Fe3O4 magnetic particles via chemical bonding assembly and magnetic perhydroxy-cucurbit[8]uril (MPC) materials were obtained. The MPC had good enrichment capability to cytokinins and the enrichment factors were more than 208. The interaction of MPC and cytokinins was investigated by adsorption test and density functional theory (DFT) calculation. The MPC was used as sorbent of magnetic solid-phase extraction for the analysis of cytokinins in plant samples. A sensitive and selective UPLC-MS/MS method was developed with low detection limits of 0.14-0.32 ng/L for cytokinins analysis. Five cytokinins including zeatin riboside, meta-topolin, kinetin, kinetin riboside and zip with 6.12-87.3 ng/kg were determined in the soybean sprout and arabidopsis thaliana. The recoveries were in the range of 76.2-110% with RSDS of 2.3-9.7%. The magnetic perhydroxy-cucurbit[8]uril materials with selective enrichment capability have good potential for analysis of ultratrace targets from complicate sample matrix.