Pierluigi Mauri
Institute for Biomedical Technologies, Italy
Pierluigi Mauri is chief of Proteomics and Metabolomics Laboratory ITB-CNR. He has set-up a proteomics laboratory based on the MudPIT (Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology), a gel-free approch (using two dimensional chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, 2DC-MS/MS) and a parallel computing system for proteomics. This instrumentation allows for the proteomic profiling of biological samples, without limitations, according to to protein molecular weight, pI or hydrophobicity and guarantees high productivity. In addition, the developed computational tools, such as MAPROMA, a label-free quantitation software for simple visualization of data for biologists and clinicians, and extraction of putative biomarkers of diseases or therapeutic treatments. Using this methodology, secreted proteins from tumor (FASEB 2005, Molecular Cancer, 2010) and immune system (JEM, 2011), and from tissues (Im Lett, 2014, Nature Commun 2014) were characterized. Furthermore, direct analysis of biological samples (JMS 2007), enzymatic complexes (Biochimie 2006), development of novel methodological approaches for studying switch-redox proteins (JBC 2005 and 2006, JMB 2006), degenerative diseases (Blood, 2012) and structural and functional characterization of proteins (Biol. Chem. 2004, FEBS 2006) have been performed.
Abstract : Mass spectrometry-based approach for clinical proteomics