Pham Thi Tam Ngoc
University of Natural Ressource and Environnement, Vietnam
Pham Thi Tam Ngoc has studied in Engineer School of Chemistry of Rennes, France in 2005. She held an engineer degree in 2010 in Pau, France. Since 2010, she has worked for the project of “Haracterization and modelling of the thermodynamic behavior of SFR fuel under iradiationâ€- the co-operation research project between Aix-Marseille University and CEA Research Center. Accomplished the PhD. During this period of time, she had prestigious opportunity to work with high-profile experts in employing CALPHAD methology. At the age of 28 she has then worked as a Lecturer at the University of Natural Ressource and Environment, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, 2015.
Abstract : Thermodynamic assessment of Cs-Te system