Rodrigo De Paula
, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Rodrigo De Paula obtained his degree in Chemistry in from University Federal Uberlândia (Minas Gerais/Brazil). At the same university, he obtained his MSc in Chemistry in 2003. In the same year, he was employed as Global Coordinator Development at Unilever Brasil and in 2005 he has moved to Portugal, where began his PhD in Aveiro (2005) on synthesis and catalytic studies of porphyrins and its metallocomplexes. In 2010 he came back to Brazil as Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at University Federal of Recôncavo Bahia. He has published works in two main lines, photophysics and photochemistry of dyes and pigments as well as in metalloporphyrins synthesis and catalysis. He is Ad-Hoc referee of some important Journals as Organic Chemistry, Dalton Transactions, RSC Advances and Catalysis Science & Technology. He is the Head of Catalysis Research (GPCat) and its research on synthesis and structrural, spectroscopic and catalytic characterization of porphyrins and phthalocyanines if sponsored by national research agency CNPq.
Abstract : The strategies in development of synthetic metalloporphyrins include high selective oxidation