SÃlvia M. Rocha
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
SÃlvia M. Rocha is assistant professor in the Chemistry Department at the Aveiro University. She is BA in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Coimbra University), and PhD in Chemistry (Aveiro University). For the last 24 years, her research was focused on the characterization of plant-derived products, prospection of bioactive compounds, and metabolomics applied to bodyfluids, plants and microbial systems. Her main skills are oriented to sample preparation and high through-put analysis based on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. She is leader of the x-Chromatography Lab (goo.gl/gHKsAi) and published over 95 SCI papers, 2 books, 7 book chapters, and 3 patent applications
Abstract : Metabolomics workflow construction for Aspergillus niger detection using advanced gas chromatography