Dr. Ali Mohammad-Djafari received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Polytechnic of Teheran, in 1975, the diploma degree (M.Sc.) from Ecole Supérieure d'Electricit(SUPELEC), Gif sur Yvette, France, in 1977, the "Docteur-Ingénieur" (Ph.D.) degree and "Doctorat d'Etat" in Physics, from the University of Paris Sud 11 (UPS), Orsay, France, respectively in 1981 and 1987.He was Assistant Professor at UPS for two years (1981-1983). Since 1984, he has a permanent position at "Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)" and works at "Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes (L2S)" at Centrale-Supélec. He was a visiting Associate Professor at University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA during 1997-1998. From 1998 to 2002, he has been at the head of Signal and Image Processing division at this laboratory.