Bernstein received his Ph.D. degree from Caltech and was a post doctoral fellow at the University of Chicago. He has been at CSU since 1975 where he has studied molecular crystal vibrational and electronic excitons and phase transitions, cryogenic liquids, and gas phase clusters with a central focus on intermolecular interactions. Recently his research has focused on chemical reactions of neutral and ionic clusters. This latter research area has involved catalytic and photocatalytic cluster systems, solute/solvent systems, the reactions of ionized molecules and clusters, and initial steps in the release of stored energy molecular species.
Research Interest
Mass Spectrometry, photoelectron spectroscopy
Dr. Dizdaroglu has obtained his PhD at the Karlsruhe Technical University, Germany, and subsequently worked for 7 years at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radiation Chemistry, before moving to USA. He has been at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for more 30 years. In 2006, Dr. Dizdaroglu was conferred upon the rank of NIST Fellow. To date, he published highly cited 247 papers. Dr. Dizdaroglu received numerous scientific awards including the Hillebrand Prize of the American Chemical Society, and the Silver and Gold Medal Awards of the US Department of Commerce. He was also awarded two Honorary Doctorates.
Research Interest
Measurement of DNA repair proteins in cancer by mass spectrometry,LC-MS
Dr. Siu then accepted a position as Research Associate with the Division of Chemistry at the National Research Council of Canada. Over the following 16 years, Dr. Siu held positions with the NRC as Research Officer, Institute for Environmental Research and Technology (formerly Institute for Environmental Chemistry) and Senior Research Officer, Institute for National Measurement Standards. In 1998, Dr. Siu relocated to York University as Professor of Chemistry and NSERC/SCIEX (now AB SCIEX) Senior Industrial Research Chair in Analytical Mass Spectrometry. He was the Founding Director of the Centre for Research in Mass Spectrometry. Dr. Siu was named Distinguished Research Professor in 2007; in July of 2005, he accepted the first of two, three-year appointments as the Associate Vice-President Research, Science and Technology at York University. Dr. Siu is recognized globally as a leader in the fundamentals as well as applications in the field of mass spectrometry. He has coauthored more than 240 refereed articles, and he and his group have given in excess of 440 presentations of which 50% were in the invited, keynote or plenary category.
Research Interest
Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Mass Spectrometry